We are two mom friends who decided to pursue CPA when we relocated to Canada. Sit back and enjoy
this blog about our personal experiences and how you can do it too!

About Maria Olayinka
Officially people call me Maria, close friends and family call me Mary. I relocated to Canada in 2013, I
am a CPA and currently at a professional service firm. I completed CPA PREP and PEP Program through
CPAWSB, 10 Prep and 7 PEP courses later. I have passion for helping people and have encouraged lots
of people on this path. I would love to share my experience with budding CPAs, especially those with
foreign credentials and share how you can be successful in your Canadian CPA journey. Either you have
decided to pursue CPA or you are still contemplating it.

About Fehintolu Oladele
I am a CPA working at one of the professional accounting firms. I relocated to Canada in 2014 as an IT
auditor and decided to pursue the CPA designation, knowing fully well the journey would not be a
sprint but a Marathon (11 PREP and 7 PEP courses). I am blessed to have gone on this Journey with Mary
(my CPA sister). I have lived in three provinces and took my courses through two regional CPA bodies. I
have had the opportunity to encourage immigrants going through this process and would love to share
the things that helped me and how to make the journey shorter. I am passionate about education and
personal finance.