Successful CPA CFE Writers September 2022

Congratulations!!! Yay you passed. Finally, all the hard work paid off. Passing the CFE is one of the major requirements to becoming a CPA.
Take out time to celebrate your success, passing the CPA CFE is a big achievement, remember the pass rate which has been lower than 80% in the past five years. Take a vacation, buy yourself a gift, go out for dinner with family and friends, whatever works for you, just ensure you do something special for yourself.
Check up on your Study Mates
Check up on your study mates and share the joy. If any of your study mates did not pass, please be gracious, remember the CFE exam is tasking, and no one deserves to fail considering how hard everyone prepares, unfortunately not everyone passes. Speak comforting words and cheer them up. Encourage them not to give up on their CPA journey as they are close to finishing and their chances of passing on the next attempt is higher. Pass rate on the second attempt has been higher than 80% for the past five years.
Office Bonus
Most offices would pay you a bonus for passing the Canadian CPA Common Final Exams (CFE) check your inbox. Some offices delay the bonus until you get your designation. Find out what your office does.
Practical Experience Requirement
With passing the CPA CFE the last requirement to becoming a CPA is the 30-month professional experience requirement to be reviewed and approved by your provincial body. If you have already met this requirement, you will get an email from your provincial body about how to apply for membership. Put in your application for membership, you should have your admission into membership in a matter of weeks and officially become a CPA.
If you still have not met the experience requirement, just keep showing up to work and acquiring the relevant experience, complete your PERT every 6 months or as at when due and in no time, you will meet the requirement and ready to apply for membership.
Pay it Forward
Passing the CFE is a great achievement and there are others who would be looking to do the same, considering that you wrote most of the cases and know most of the material it would be great to help someone else preparing to write the CPA CFE in the future by offering to help mark cases, sharing tips that worked for you in passing the exam.
FT’s Experience
I remember booking a hair appointment on Marks day to ensure I am not anxiously waiting for the results, seeing that I passed was a great relief, considering the journey took 5 years. I celebrated with colleagues virtually and went out for dinner with my family. I already met the experience requirement, I applied for membership immediately and got the congratulations admission email in less than a month. To pay it forward I have decided to start this blog by writing about my experience and helping others on their CPA journey.
Mary’s Experience
Passing CFE was a roller coaster experience for me. The day started as a normal Friday morning of doing normal daily chores, except I was distracted all morning and checking the time every second! Finding out I was successful in CFE was very emotional for me. I cried and screamed knowing the journey of almost 5 years is finally over and of course celebrated. Like FT I also applied for CPA designation about a week later.
Once again congratulations!!!